Tom Sexton takes the helm of the Gry Maritha

Tom Sexton has taken the helm of the Gry Maritha, following the retirement of Captain Paul Stevens after two decades on board.

The 33-year-old served as Chief Officer on the Gry – the islands’ dedicated year-round freight ship – for five years.

Tom, who lives in Carharrack, joined the Steamship Company in 2017 after working for Maersk in its offshore oil and gas division.

He grew up on the water, sailing with his family to the Isles of Scilly most years, and his love of the water and for adventure led him to a career at sea.

Tom Said: “I am extremely proud to become Master of the Gry Maritha and to take over the lifeline link to the islands.”

“The Gry is a much-loved ship – and a real workhorse – which means so much to Scilly.

“It’s a real honour to take over from Paul, and his are big boots to fill. I have a huge amount of respect for Paul and have learnt so much from him about the intricacies of the job. He will be greatly missed by the whole Gry family.

“I am really looking forward to continuing working with the amazing team on the Gry and being part of the island community. We are committed to delivering for Scilly.”

Stuart Reid, Chief Executive of the Isles of Scilly Steamship Group, said:

“We would like to take this opportunity to wish Tom every success in his new role as Master of the Gry Maritha.”