Freight Services

Gry Maritha is our dedicated freight ship designed to carry palletised cargo and large goods up to a maximum of six tonnes.

Loading the Gry Maritha at St Mary's Quay, Isles of Scilly

Scilly to Penzance

Gry Maritha maintains an all year round service and departs the Isles of Scilly on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.
Scilly to Penzance
Lorries delivering freight to North Arm Pier in Penzance to be shipped to Scilly

Penzance to Scilly

Gry Maritha maintains an all year round service and departs Penzance on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
Penzance to Scilly
Lyonesse Lady arriving in St Mary's Harbour - Isles of Scilly

Inter-Island Freight

Lyonesse Lady runs an inter-island freight delivery service six days a week.
Inter-Island Freight
Skybus Islander - Freight Service - Land's End Airport - Isles of Scilly Freight

Air Freight

Skybus can carry small items of freight all year round between Land’s End and St Mary’s Airports.
Air Freight
Island Carriers van driver - Isles of Scilly Freight

Island Carriers

Island Carriers can help with all your haulage needs and more on St Mary’s.
Island Carriers